the indian guy podcast

India‘s only podcast for working professionals with a growth mindset hosted by a working professional

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Thursday Sep 30, 2021

How is it possible that some people always complain about not having enough time to workout or start a new hobby or work on their passion project and on the other hand there are people who manage to do all that.  In this video, I have shared how you can do so much more with your day and your life by using the single most powerful productivity principle. You will find it useful, take my word for it. For those who don't understand Hindi, I will be uploading a YouTube video in English for the same. Make sure to subscribe.

Thursday Aug 12, 2021

Managing your personal finance is important, we all know that. But still most of us don't start managing our personal finances wisely until we come across some adversity.  In this episode, I have shared the lessons I learned about managing personal finances that helped me become completely debt free, to have enough money saved up as a runway that I don't have to worry about losing my Job and yet have enough money left over to enjoy my life and my hobbies. This is a beginner's guide not aimed for a seasoned investor or personal finance guru.  Hope this helps plan your finances and live a debt free life as well!

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021

In this episode, I talk about workplace exploitation and why is it so important to learn to deal with it, as soon as possible. Exploitation at workplace is not always obvious and you might not notice it until it starts affecting your life. In this episode, I have discussed my experience with exploitation at workplace. I have shared the problems I faced and how I dealt with it to move on to an opportunity I deserved!

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021

Self help, Fake gurus and their hustle culture - in this episode I talk about what I think is wrong with them all. I have been a victim of the gold plated poop they sell in their books that target the lazy and vulnerable (Yes, I had been a lazy lad in the past!). I have also fallen victim to the "Hustle" and the "winners don't quit" mindset as well. In this episode I share my experience and what I believe is wrong with that. There are credible people out there but there are a lot more fake BS artists that give the industry a bad rep. 

Saturday May 15, 2021

Why is Productivity Important? Why should you care if you are being productive or not? In this episode, I talk about the real reason or the benefits of being productive. I have also shared 2 tips that you can start using from today itself to be more productive! If you like the episode, show your appreciation by dropping in a text on Instagram @theindianguypodcast or by subscribing to my YouTube channel. You can find the transcript of the podcast on my website -

Friday May 07, 2021

Is it true that by 2027, 50% of the workforce will be freelancing? Should you consider freelancing as a serious career choice?  In this episode I have discussed why you should consider freelancing and if it is the future or not. 

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021

Productivity is a serious concern now more than ever. In this episode, I share one of the most fundamental concepts of productivity that is so simple to understand and implement yet is not talked about that often. It is called Batching. Listen to the episode as I share all the information you need to get started with Batching and become more productive. You can find the transcript of the episode on my website -

Thursday Mar 18, 2021

Feeling overwhelmed or unfocused is natural. Everyone goes through phases of feeling overwhelmed and unfocused. The key is to have the right tools to deal with it so that it does not hamper with your productivity and mental peace. In this episode, I have shared the blueprint of the easiest and the quickest ways to deal with it. The transcript of the episode can be found on  

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021

There is no question about the fact that good habits are a must have when it comes to success in life. Similarly, bad habits are the leading cause of failure. There are a lot of books out there that talk about the importance of good habits or what can good habits lead to. You can also find a lot of you tube videos of people as well that talk about good habits, or good habits of successful people. But the problem is, they just talk! They do not provide any solutions or action items on how to build a habit or how to make the habits stick in long run. Because, if you have ever tried building a habit, you would know how difficult it is to start in the first place and then sticking to it. In this episode, I talk about HOW TO BUILD ANY HABIT EASILY and HOW TO MAKE ANY HABIT STICK in long run. I hope you will learn something from the video and it will help you move towards your goal one step at a time.

Sunday Feb 21, 2021

One of life's biggest stressor is ensuring that you have a stable income. Something to cover your basic needs and beyond. The truth that a lot of people are facing these days is sadly, your job is never guaranteed. So, how do we make sure that we don't lose our job and the stable income? In this podcast, I share 5 practical tips that will help you achieve that. I was going through a rough patch myself and after speaking with a number of leaders and mentors, I was able to pen down the common points. I tried them and the results were amazing. But you don't have to take my word for it. Try it for yourself and let me know how they work out for you.

Vipul Narang 2021

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