the indian guy podcast

India‘s only podcast for working professionals with a growth mindset hosted by a working professional

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Saturday Jan 23, 2021

The pandemic made a lot of companies to make the work from home situation permanent. Although, it may seem a win-win for both - the company and the employees, but it is not true. A lot of people are having a hard time dealing with this permanent work from home situation. Yours truly, was one of them. In this episode, I have shared the problems I went through and I am sure a lot of you would have gone through or must be going through due to this permanent work from home situation. I have also shared the quick tips or solutions so that you don't have to go through the problems any more. I hope you like the episode. The video of the podcast will be uploaded to Youtube as well. 

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021

This is the first episode for this year. In this episode I talk about the Farmer's protest(update, ground reality and my opinion), the fuss about bitcoin and last but not the least, a study that I came across last week about the problems with being a perfectionist. Usually being a perfectionist is seen as a good thing but the study found that it is directly linked with burnout, anxiety and depression.

Thursday Dec 24, 2020

Hello everyone! After a taking a long break, I am back with a special episode in which I share an incident from the past. I share an excerpt from the time when i was forced to join a friend of mine to a meet-up that encouraged people to extract the writers within. Mandatory participation in that meet-up taught me a very important life lesson which I had only heard about in hip-hop songs! I hope you enjoy this episode. Do let me know your thoughts on the same! 

Dealing with Rejection

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020

Rejection, like failure, is a part of life. In this episode, speaking from my own past experience, i have listed 3 simple and yet effective steps to deal with rejection in life. Although I have taken examples of dealing with rejection in a job interview or promotion that you were expecting, but this can be used to deal with rejections in other parts of your life as well

Monday Sep 14, 2020

People don't mind spending huge amounts of money in keeping themselves physical fit and attractive (and they should) but why is it that when it comes to mental health, people look the other way? Why don't we give the same importance to out mental health? In this podcast, I invited a mental health expert and a qualified counselor, Dimple Sharma, to talk about her views on why people ignore mental health and why they should not! We talk about how the most connected society in the history, also the loneliest before getting into tips and tricks that can help you maintain a good mental health! You can connect with Dimple through her website -

Saturday Aug 08, 2020

There is no question about the fact that good habits are a must have when it comes to success in life. Similarly, bad habits are the leading cause of failure. There are a lot of books out there that talk about the importance of good habits or what can good habits lead to. You can also find a lot of you tube videos of people as well that talk about good habits, or good habits of successful people. But the problem is, they just talk! They do not provide any solutions or action items on how to build a habit or how to make the habits stick in long run. Because, if you have ever tried building a habit, you would know how difficult it is to start in the first place and then sticking to it. In this video, I talk about HOW TO BUILD ANY HABIT EASILY and HOW TO MAKE ANY HABIT STICK in long run. I hope you will learn something from the video and it will help you move towards your goal one step at a time.

Sunday Jun 28, 2020

The ones who are able to give up the habit of blaming and complaining, tend to be happy, in control and more successful than others. Pointing the finger of blame turns you into a bystander in your life. You become powerless and lose all control over your life. But when you do the opposite and take the ownership, it gives you complete control over your life.

Thursday Jun 25, 2020

Failures and Setbacks are a part of life. Although they do hurt, make you frustrated and disappointed but they don't define you. How you deal with them and keep moving on is what defines you. This episode is a no non-sense advice from my personal experience. It's short and straight forward. It is simple yet time consuming because you have to develop a habit. I give total credit of this episode to my family and my very close friends as they are the one who taught me how to get back up in tough times. Nothing from a "positive thinking" book. Totally a practical approach.

Sunday Jun 07, 2020

To be successful at anything in life, there are certain things that we absolutely need. Will power is one of them. If you don't have enough will power, it will become excruciatingly tough for you to succeed at anything in life. Be it losing weight, be it getting rid of a bad habit or learning a new skill. Here in this video, i have shared 3 small changes or improvements that you can make in your life from today to start taking a step forward in the direction of success. I hope you will like the effort and focus on the big idea that i have tried to share with you here. These are the top 3 things that have helped me personally in getting better in life. Definitely, this is not an exhaustive list but these are simple and easy things that we can implement without spending any money or putting in much effort.

Sunday May 31, 2020

Time is the most important non-renewable resource in our life and Seneca, one of the greatest stoics of his time, tells us that our life is not actually short. It is on us how we utilize that time Seneca explores the nature of time and more specifically, how we waste it on meaningless and vacuous tasks. Seneca offers us some solutions on how we can escape this trap and instead learn how to live a significant life that we will be proud to look back upon when we grow old

Vipul Narang 2021

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