the indian guy podcast

India‘s only podcast for working professionals with a growth mindset hosted by a working professional

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Monday May 25, 2020

Atmanirbharta - Our honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi put great emphasis on being self reliant & Self sufficient. Not only this, he also declared a stimulus package worth 20 lakh crores! If you are still wondering, how many zeroes make 20 lakh crores or want to know what is the meaning of a stimulus package, watch this video. In this episode with Ashish Chugh, we talk about what is this stimulus package, what is GDP, how does a country earn money and many more. Ashish is an alumni from IIM Kolkata and a Yogi. He has been on the podcast before to talk about Meditation and yoga.

Sunday May 10, 2020

All of us have been facing a lot of issues due to the covid 19 pandemic. In this episode i have tried to share a positive message from the things that we can learn from this lockdown and the pandemic in general. There are always going to be people who will focus on the spots on the window instead of the beautiful view outside. This is just my attempt to show the view outside that dusty window.

Sunday Apr 26, 2020

A quick podcast to use these 4 tips to live a long and healthy life

Saturday Apr 25, 2020

The art of practicing yoga & meditation helps in controlling an individual’s mind, body and soul. It brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind; it helps manage stress and anxiety and keeps you relaxing. It improves respiration, energy and vitality. Practicing yoga might seem like just stretching, but it can do much more for your body from the way you feel, look and move. In this episode, I talk to Ashish Chugh, a yogi and an IIM Alumni, on how he started his journey and how it has helped him achieve so much in his life. In the episode he helps you understand what Yoga is, how meditation helps, how to do it and what to expect.

Vipul Narang 2021

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